Friday, February 25, 2011

When Goliath seems to be the Only Man in Your Life…

We all know the story. 

David and Goliath, 

HUGE scary man who seems like he’ll take you out with the flick of a finger.  We hate him.  And here we are, the David’s.  Normal human beings who only wants to do GOOD for the world but before we can we have this huge smelly man to overcome and conquer.  And as a woman, he seems to be the only man in view. Huh…go figure.  Just my luck.  So what to do?  Well here are a few options I’ve come up with as I’ve pondered.  1st we can ignore the big smelly man.  Just go on with life, live it up while holding our breath.  I mean if we don’t smell him, he’s most likely not there…right? This may work for a while, but quite frankly I’d get light headed.  Then that would lead to a big headache, I’d get frustrated, and THEN, yes there’s a then, I’d get cranky.  2nd we can decide we want to overcome this sore to the eyes man.  We get up the courage to do so and we KNOCK HIM OUT! YESSS!!!  But wait a minute…what’s wrong with this scenario?  You mean he comes back after a while when he comes to?!  Gosh dang it, I was happy!  Then Mr. creep me out is back in my life?  Shoot.  And the 3rd we can destroy him.  Sound easy enough?  From what I’ve read in the scriptures David wiped him out in one try.  Could I do that?  The more I’ve thought of this I’ve come to a conclusion.  When we set out to destroy the Goliath’s in our lives it’s the process of obtaining the courage, taking the journey, and the preparation to destroy that is the key to actually overcoming that big block in our lives.  David may have overcome him in one try, but he could not have done so if he didn’t prepare  beforehand.  In order for us to overcome and conquer we need to pay the price beforehand in preparation.

So many people take the first option.  They ignore the problem, sin, sadness, or pain because it’s “easier” than going through the steps to overcome.  Same with the second option, people get up the courage to do as as little as possible to take care of it enough that it goes away for a while, but it comes back when they least expect it.  Then there are those that but their entire heart and soul into defeating  there  Goliath.  These are the people that I admire. 

In my new blog “When Goliath Seems to be the Only Man in Your Life” I am going to be taking ya’ll on the journey of healing, self discovery, and conquering darkness.  I hope in this blog to instill some hope or faith in anyone who reads it.  Afterall, this life is about making it back to our Heavenly Father and we’re all in it together!  So here’s to being single, and a huge target of Satan.  BRING IT ON you’re not gonna win! 

1 comment:

  1. Julia...I love you so much and I am so happy that you have a blog. I hope that you wont mind if I share this journey with you.
    As I read this first comment, I loved it...the one thing that came to my mind about David is that there is no way that he could have defeated Goliath by himself. There is no physical preparation he could have done to be as big, there wasn't any armor that would protect him, there was nothing physically other than learn the skill of the sling that would have prepared him physically...but you see...the only way Goliath could be defeated was in the grace and miraculous intervention of GOD. It was God's will to make an example of David vs. Goliath. It was God's will to teach the Phillistines that great things come in small packages and that God really is in charge. David was prepared spiritually. He was willing to do the will of God in his young life and be HIS instrument. He was able to look at his soldier brothers in the eye and say, "Look, I will go and do this thing...with God to help me."

    It is just like the goliaths in our lives...WE ARE POWERLESS to defeat them...without the aid and rescue of our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ. THEY ARE THE KEY ! There are things that we try to carry and defeat "ourselves." We think somehow we are weak if we call upon them and surrender ALL our hurts to them and submit OUR will to THEIR will. I know that the Goliaths in your life at this time can and will be healed and defeated my dear as Heavenly Father and His Son is in the forefront of your life and serving His children becomes your focus. This power of God will heal. And remember...there are things that the Savior suffered for that we don't have to keep suffering for. We can allow the Atonement to work in our lives by trusting that we are worth suffering for, and trusting Jesus and that He doesn't want us to RE-suffer! I hope you know how much you mean to me! I look forward to this journey in your life! I am here!
